Copyright 2000, 2001 Mike Locke
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Gold tokens from Mexico. Many of these may have been produced as "Wedding tokens".
26 varieties listed
Azetec dress Indian #1 with Aztec calendar on reverse. Seller says this is Cuauhtemoc
Marked 22K gold & signed AB. Heavy and thin, validating the 22K claim. Contains about
$4 worth of gold.
Azetec dress Indian #2 with Aztec calendar on reverse. Similar to the token above,
but much cruder, and no gold content claim. Reeded edge.
Azetec dress Indian #3 with Aztec calendar on reverse. Pretty semi-PL finish, apparently
solid 18k gold.
Undated Maximillian #1 token, Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend, for
a marriage token. (Ebay picture)
Marriage token #1, with Mary on the obverse, locked wedding ring reverse with crosses above
and "REGUERDO MARTRIMONIAL" above. This is better classified as a medal. This piece is
heavy enough that it likely contains a small amount of gold (8K or so).
Marriage token #2. ??? with Indepenoencia Y Libertad on the obverse,
eagle with Recuerdo Matrimonial on the reverse. Very high relief,
with a curious bit of "pinch damaage" apparent on both sides.
Looks like low grade gold, but does not appear to be dense enough to
be anything but brass.
Marriage token #3. ??? with Indepenoencia Y Libertad on the obverse,
eagle with Republica Mexicana on the reverse. Very high relief, same
obverse as token #2?
Looks like low grade gold, but does not appear to be dense enough to
be anything but brass. Seam on edge.
1823 Augustinus #1. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend
Similar in style to the Maximillian pieces, but with Agustinus and earlier date.
1823 Augustinus #2, same overall design as #1, but both dies slightly different.
1865 Maximilian #1. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend
These are listed in "Krause's World Coins" under Mexico-Empire of Maximilian, "GOLD PESO FANTASIES"
World Coins notes the existance of 5 varieties
Further description of these tokens can be found in Neil Utberg's book on Mexican coins.
Apparently they were made after 1949.
1865 Maximilian #2. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend, 1/4 sized.
Squared reeding, missing from 1/2 the perimeter
These are listed in "Krause's World Coins" under Mexico-Empire of Maximilian, "GOLD PESO FANTASIES"
World Coins notes the existance of 5 varieties. Reeded edge. Apparently at least 14k solid gold.
1865 Maximilian #3. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend
Squared reeding, uniform and fully brought up
These are listed in "Krause's World Coins" under Mexico-Empire of Maximilian, "GOLD PESO FANTASIES"
World Coins notes the existance of 5 varieties. Reeded edge. Too dense to be silver, but looks like silver.
1865 Maximilian #4. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend
Crude squared reeding, highly incomplete
These are listed in "Krause's World Coins" under Mexico-Empire of Maximilian, "GOLD PESO FANTASIES"
World Coins notes the existance of 5 varieties
The pictured piece may take a prize for most errors on a single die pairing:
Obverse die is doubled (small rotation)
Reverse die is tripled (wild shift to left, rendering date nearly illegible)
Dies rotated 90 degrees
1865 Maximilian #5. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend
These are listed in "Krause's World Coins" under Mexico-Empire of Maximilian, "GOLD PESO FANTASIES"
World Coins notes the existance of 5 varieties
1865 Maximilian #6. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend, small "B" under wreath.
Very widely space reeding on edge
These are listed in "Krause's World Coins" under Mexico-Empire of Maximilian, "GOLD PESO FANTASIES"
World Coins notes the existance of 5 varieties, it seems that there are more than that.
This one seems to be made of better metal than the others illustrated here.
1865 Maximilian #7. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend, R (registered design?) to right of date.
Fine reeding on edge
These are listed in "Krause's World Coins" under Mexico-Empire of Maximilian, "GOLD PESO FANTASIES"
World Coins notes the existance of 5 varieties, it seems that there are more than that.
Incompletely clipped planchet accounts for the long arc seen on both sides. The reeding is incomplete
and looks a bit like a railroad rim type strike.
1865 Maximilian #8. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend, Dot on wreath where bow should be with B below.
Coarse, deep reeding on edge
1865 Maximilian #9. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend, "1" on either side of eagle (Ebay picture)
1865 Maximilian #10. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend, small eagle and crown (Ebay picture)
1865 Maximilian #11. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend, eagle with necklace and crown
1865 Maximilian #12. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend, eagle with crown. Puffy beard on
Maximillian extends past M. (Ebay picture)
1865 Maximilian #13. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend, eagle with crown. This one appears
to be silver. Same obverse as #3?, reverse similar but crown larger and with a
different design. The color and contrast on this scan were substantially turned up to
make the details plain, the token is uniformly silver in color.
1865 Maximilian #14. Mexican style eagle with spanish language legend, eagle with crown.
Style very different from the others in this series (ebay picture).
1866 Maximilian #1. Mexican Coat of Arms with Maximillian and Carlota on the obverse, dated 1866-1867.
1866 Maximilian #2. Mexican Coat of Arms with Maximillian on the obverse, dated 1866-1867.
This token is sterling silver and was given by the minter, Ricardo Martinez to the dealer
from who I bought it. Struck with 1/4 size dies, but 1/2 size diameter.
1952Marriage token #1, with Mexican eagle on the obverse and "REGUERDO MARTRIMONIAL" above.
Wedding cerimony depicted on the reverse. This is better classified as a medal.
$2 size, although this brass piece may be more like a centavo.
1952 date on reverse is hard to spot.